The Book of John - Chapter 1: The Word Made Flesh

Welcome, young readers, as we embark on a journey through the book of John. In the opening chapter, we will discover the profound truth of Jesus as the Word made flesh. Let's explore how Jesus, who is God, came to earth as our Savior, and how we can put our faith in Him.


In Chapter 1, John introduces us to the concept of the Word, which refers to Jesus. He explains that in the beginning, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through the Word, all things were created, and in Him was life.

John the Baptist is described as a witness to the light, pointing people to Jesus, the true light that gives light to everyone. Although the world did not recognize Him, Jesus came to His own people, and those who believed in Him received the right to become children of God.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. Through Jesus, we have the opportunity to see God's glory and receive His grace.

Questions for children
1. Who is the Word referred to in Chapter 1?
2. What did John the Baptist do?
3. What does it mean that the Word became flesh?

Take a moment to reflect on these questions and imagine yourself living during the time when Jesus walked the earth.

Reflect on the questions, and pray

"Dear Jesus, thank You for being the Word made flesh. Help us to put our faith in You as our Lord and Savior. May we recognize Your light and receive Your grace. In Your precious name, Amen."

Remember, dear children, Jesus is God, and we can put our faith in Him. He came to earth as the Word made flesh to reveal God's love and grace to us. Let us trust in Him and embrace the light He brings. Stay tuned for the next devotional as we continue our journey through the book of John. May you put your faith in Jesus, the Word made flesh, and experience His grace and truth in your life!

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- May 28th, 2024 at 12:09am